Rural Clinic - Malawi
Rural clinic in Malawi

Rural clinic architects

Rural clinic architects

Rural clinic architects

Rural clinic architects

Rural clinic architects

Rural clinic architects

Rural clinic architects

Rural clinic architects

Rural clinic architects

Rural clinic architects

Rural clinic architects

Rural clinic architects

Rural clinic architects

Rural clinic design

Rural clinic design
The aim of the facility is to provide the people of the village of Chimphamba with a place where primary healthcare services can be provided which willinclude the following:
- reception
- waiting area
- doctor’s offi ce
- supply / store room
- 2 examination / consultation rooms
- birthing room (MLU: Midwifery-led unit))
- wound cleaning room
- living quarters for the nurse or doctor (not included in current proposal)
The design of the medical facility is guided by the Health Building Notes
documents provided by the UK Government Department of Health. Health Building Notes give “best practice” guidance on the design and planning of new healthcare buildings and on the adaptation/extension of existing facilities.